
LITTLE THREADS Website design & development

Little Threads used to have a very basic website that wasn’t coherent either with their needs or their products. They contacted us for a website redesign and to deploy a content management system.

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In order to generate a higher impact in the potential users that are already accustomed to digital animated ads which don’t catch their attention anymore, we decided to go to the basics and created a cozy small world made of paper.

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Wilson Website

Starting as a textile company in the 1930’s, Wilson now has a long career in the business of designing shirts for men. Along with market needs, it has evolved over the years and this time the step to be taken was building its Internet presence through a new website.

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GALERIA 1-2-3 Stationary & Website

This gallery wanted to generate more feedback from art collectors, and in order to get it they asked us for our professional advice.

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Global Foods Label Design

Global foods has launched a new line of drinks for sale in the export market. Its particularity lies on its exotic flavors brought from the tropic.

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Fabricake Packaging

This company makes cakes specially for athletes who want to build muscle. In this context our first decision was to use bricks at any point to emphasize the word game in “Fabricake” and therefore define the kind of product we are selling.

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